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TIAO calling for a swift resolution to the ongoing LCBO strike

TIAO calling for a swift resolution to the ongoing LCBO strike
18 Jul 2024 by Andrew Siegwart

Thank you to TIAO’s small business and tourism operator Members who completed hundreds of surveys last week. Your participation has been invaluable in educating the public, media, and government about the impacts of the LCBO strike on Ontario's tourism businesses. We also appreciate the support of sector associations, regional, and destination marketing partners who helped spread the word about this important survey.


The survey results are clear: food and beverage, northern/rural, and culinary tourism operators are facing critical impacts. Challenges include product availability, slow delivery, restocking issues, customer experience, and lost sales. Although craft producers have seen an increase in sales at their locations, this does not compensate for lost sales through the LCBO retail network.


Our collective efforts make us stronger. Thanks go out to ORHMA and Restaurants Canada for their engagement with the LCBO to address operator concerns, and for their early advocacy which we have amplified. This week’s TIAO press release, shared by numerous media outlets nationwide, resulted in TIAO giving 14 radio and television interviews in the past 24 hours - generating 104 million media impressions in news and broadcast coverage.


Negotiations have resumed yesterday.  We will continue to monitor progress, quantify impact, and advocate on behalf of our Members.



Andrew Siegwart

President & CEO

Tourism Industry Association of Ontario