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2024 Ontario Tourism Awards

The Ontario Tourism Awards of Excellence celebrate success and recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to Ontario’s tourism industry.

Awards are jointly presented by;

Tourism Champion of the Year

Victoria Clarke
CEO | Visit Mississauga

Victoria Clarke, Chief Executive Officer of Visit Mississauga, joined their dynamic team just over two years ago and hasn’t looked back! Clarke brings almost a decade of hands-on tourism experience to Mississauga’s newly formed DMO, along with 15 years of philanthropic industry leadership and digital marketing knowledge. She has won numerous Canadian and global tourism industry awards, launched new campaigns, earned her CDME designation and sits on the newly formed Canadian Destination Leadership Council representing Canada’s DMO needs with Destinations International. Victoria also proudly serves on both the CDME Board and the Foundation Board of Trustees with Destinations International.



Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 
Presented by Air Canada

Check back to see the Award Winner!

2024 Ontario Tourism Awards of Excellence Finalists

Keep checking back to see this year's finalists!


Tourism Industry Awards of Excellence

Tourism Event of The Year

Tourism Employer of The Year 

Sustainable Tourism Award

Accessible Tourism Award

Indigenous Tourism Award

Tourism Innovator Award



Tourism Marketing & Travel Media Awards of Excellence

Tourism Digital Marketing Award

Tourism Marketing Partnership Award

Tourism Marketing Campaign Award - Over 50k

Tourism Marketing Campaign Award - Under 50k

Travel Media Story Award

Travel Media Photography Award



Culinary Tourism Awards of Excellence

Culinary Tourism Leadership Award

Culinary Tourism Experience Award

Culinary Tourism Event of The Year Award

Culinary Tourism Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award



Workforce Innovation & Collaboration Awards

Workforce Innovation & Collaboration Award


Ontario's Choice Awards

Ontario Choice Awards