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Provincial Government Releases New Details About the Redevelopment of Ontario Place

Provincial Government Releases New Details About the Redevelopment of Ontario Place

This week, the Ontario government released new details about its vision for the redevelopment of Ontario Place into a year-round destination, complete with expanded parkland, beaches, waterfront access, and family-friendly entertainment. 

The province is finalizing an agreement with Live Nation that will create a new, year-round concert venue attraction. The brand-new amphitheatre will welcome 20,000 fans to an all-season venue, increasing its capacity, while also protecting its grassy amphitheatre. 

The Ontario government also shared new recommended design concepts for the future public spaces, including on the East Island and the expanded shoreline of the West Island. The concepts include Indigenous culture and place-keeping features and illustrate how the site will be revitalized and enhanced with new public trails, parkland, beaches and swimming areas with better access to the waterfront. 

Also announced, the Ontario Science Centre will be relocated to Ontario Place in a custom-built, state-of-the-art facility, as well as in the preserved and upgraded Cinesphere and Pod complex. 

The new Ontario Science Centre will be integrated with an underground public parking facility designed for the future with electric bus and vehicle chargers. This underground parking facility will complement the many transit and transportation options to get to Ontario Place. This includes new pedestrian and cycle paths, as well as new transportation and transit options to connect Ontario Place and the Exhibition grounds directly to the Ontario Line subway.  

To prepare for redevelopment, site servicing work will also begin this spring to upgrade and modernize Ontario Place’s existing infrastructure, such as water, electrical and gas services. A construction company will be selected soon to undertake the site servicing, following a procurement process that was launched last year. 

Once complete, Ontario Place will attract tourists from around the world, create thousands of new jobs, and attract an estimated four to six million visitors each year. 

 April 19, 2023